1. Online pre-booking can automatically avail 10% Discount in any Dive Programs/Courses except on the following Dive Safaris.
2. And advance payment of 50% upon booking confirmation is required.
3. For Dive Courses, we require full payment on day 1 of your course.
4. For rebooking, please inform us ahead of time or at least 2 weeks before the original confirmation date.
5. For Cancellation:
a.) To avail the REFUND of your advanced payment, please notify us at least a month before.
b.) Booking cancellation is done less than a month of your original booking, REFUND is NOT POSSIBLE.
6. Since FREE WILLY DIVING, INC. is an SSI Dive Center; therefore any courses you wish to do with PADI Certifications, we require 5% Mark-up from the published rate, and still, the 10% discount of online pre-booking is okay.
We encouraging you to visit www.greenfins.net and be a part or our ADVOCACY CAMPAIGN in saving our REEFS. And be aware of the Island's DO's and DONT's.
To our valued guests/divers, please Do Not Leave any valuable belongings unattended, please turn over all your things to the secretaries before leaving for a dive.
We are absolutely an environment protector, bringing plastic bottles, plastic wrappers on board are Prohibited, we suggest that please bring any reusable water canisters on board. Do not touch or harass any marine life while or during the Dive/s. Fish feeding is absolutely Prohibited.